我不能與你感同身受 卻能做你最佳聽眾
曾經想過來一場說走就走的旅行 終究敗給了自己的懶惰 也想過全心全意的愛一個人 終是愛到無果
故事誰都有 不是誰都懂
君生我未生 我生君已老 恨不生同時 日日與君好
帝王家 終究是不歸路
我不喜爭 也不喜搶 圍繞你的人多 我便自己退場
我把青春耗在暗戀裡 卻不能和你在一起。
你坐在這裡,是在等待一段愛情, 還是在消磨一段歲月……
只恐夜深,繁花睡去, 枕畔窗前,誰共低語。
前塵往事僅如夢 望君此後勿回頭
最想的是你 最不想打擾的卻也是你。
後來也就不說話了 只是越發喜歡把事情放在心裡慢慢發酵 我希望所有所有的都會過去 恨與難忘 你與我。
實在放不下就繼續喜歡吧 也許你會感動他 也許你會累到放手
Xi"an is the capital of Shanxi province in China and a sub-provincial city.As one of the most important cities in Chinese history,Xi"an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China for it has been the capital of 13 dynasties,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,and the Tang.Xi"an is also renowned for being the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and for the location of the Terracotta Army from Qin Dynasty.The city has more than 3,100 years of history.It was called Chang"an in ancient times.
Since 1990s,as part of the economic revival of interior China,especially the central and northwest regions,in addition to a history of manufacturing and solid industrial establishments,Xi"an has become an important cultural,industrial and educational center of the central-northwest region,with facilities for research and development,national security and China"s space exploration program.
Once known as Chang"an, Xi"an is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Shaanxi Province, with its jurisdiction over five counties including Chang"an County. Located in the middle of the Central Plains of the Yellow River Basin, Xi"an stands between Qinling Mountain to the north and the Weihe River to the south. It is an important birthplace of the Chinese nationality as well as one of the places of human origin and prehistoric cultural centers in Asia. Its long history and rich cultural heritage has covered the old city with a mysterious veil.
As a world-famous ancient capital, Xi"an has been designated as the capital of 13 ancient Chinese dynasties such as the Western Zhou, Qin, Xihan, Xinmang, Eastern Han, Western Jin, Former Zhao, pre-Qin, post-Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties. Many important historical events took place here, such as the Red Eyebrow Peasant Rebellion at the end of the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), the Huangchao Peasant Rebellion at the end of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and Li Zicheng Peasant Rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) all once established temporary political powers in Xi"an. it also witnessed the famous Xi"an Incident in modern history. All these have left with Xi"an a lot of cultural relics. In Xi"an there are altogether 314 key cultural relics sites under protection, of which 84 belong to state or provincial level. Unearthed cultural relics reach 120,000, many of which are rare treasures in the world,
including the Stele Forest, the two Wild Goose Pagodas, the Clock Tower, the remains of Banpo Village and the city wall of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, there are ancient sites such as Han City, Tang City, Efang Palace, Weiyang Palace and Daming Palace, as well as the Huaqing Pond and pits of Qin Emperor Shihuang"s Terra-Cotta Soldiers and Horses. Xi"an is a great place of revolution, and the Site of the Office of the Eighth Route Army can clearly demonstrate this. Located in Xi"an are also a number of universities and research institutions, including Xi"an Jiaotong University, Northwest University and Northwest Polytechnical University.
Xi"an is the biggest processing industrial base and the largest trade center in the central and western part of North China, as well as the starting point of the Silk Road. The Silk Road has become a wide road connecting China and other countries. It is a road to civilization, friendship, trade and cultural tourism.
Xi"an (Chinese: 西安), is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People"s Republic of China . As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi"an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou, Qin, Han, the Sui, and Tang dynasties. Xi"an is the eastern end of the Silk Road . The city has more than 3,100 years of history, and was known as Chang"an (traditional Chinese: 長安).
Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival, Labor Holiday (1-7 May), and National Holiday (1-7 October). The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August), although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi"an is Autumn.
Xi"an (Chinese: 西安), is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People"s Republic of China . As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi"an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou, Qin, Han, the Sui, and Tang dynasties. Xi"an is the eastern end of the Silk Road . The city has more than 3,100 years of history, and was known as Chang"an (traditional Chinese: 長安).
Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival, Labor Holiday (1-7 May), and National Holiday (1-7 October). The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August), although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi"an is Autumn.
1. Be well prepared.
2. Have an easy but concentrated state of mind.
1) 儘量把參加BEC面試想象成拜訪一個朋友,而那個朋友有一些問題不明白,需要向我請教。
2) 面試前一晚一定要睡個好覺,考前一餐不要吃得太飽,當然也不能空腹。
3) 進入面試房間前做幾次深呼吸,然後告訴自己:既然我知道自己英語說得不錯,別人也應該知道。
4) 把對方想象成考生,把自己想象成考官,當然該回答的問題還是要認真回答。
5) 如果知道自己的.英語口語不太好就更沒必要緊張了,緊張又不能幫我提高成績,不如徹底放鬆,奮力一搏,說不定就能達到柳暗花明的效果。
3. Focus on your English instead of your ideas.
4. Use your common sense.
很多考生分丟得實在冤枉,當被問到一些常識性問題時,我們往往因為缺乏常識或不會利用常識而輕易放棄機會,白白丟分。要知道十幾分鐘的面試轉瞬即逝,放棄一個問題可能就意味著分數降一個檔次。有些問題被考生放棄並不是因為語言問題,而是他們認為對這個話題沒有idea,不知道該說什麼。例如被問到家鄉最有趣的方面是什麼時,很多考生吞吞吐吐說不出來,或者乾脆說沒什麼有趣的。其實這是一個非常簡單的問題,只要有一點常識就不難想到有太多話題可講:自然風光、名勝古蹟、地方風俗、歷史、地理 、風土人情、節日慶典、飲食習慣、教育制度、天氣情況等等都可以成為談論的話題。任何時候都不要放棄任何問題。Saying something is better than saying nothing!
5. Be calm in mind and active in attitude.
Q: What"s your line of business?
A: Excuse me, are you asking me to talk about my job?
假如連一點猜測的線索都沒有,坦白的告訴考官你沒有聽懂比不懂裝懂,答非所問更能表現出考生喜歡參與的坦誠態度和善於交談的應變能力。有必要經常提醒自己:The BEC interview does NOT focus on your academic English. It focuses on your SURVIVAL English.