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獲取更多愛情挽回攻略 婚姻修復技巧 戀愛脫單幹貨

1. Wow 哇!(叫絕聲)

2. Way To Go 就該這麼做


3. Super 極好的

4. You’re Special 你不一般

5. Outstanding 傑出的

6. Excellent 優秀的

7. Great 偉大的

8. Good 好的

9. Neat 真整潔

10. Well Done 做得好

11. Remarkable 非凡的

12. I Knew You Could Do It 我知道你能做的

13. I’m Proud Of You 我為你而驕傲

14. Fantastic 太奇妙了

15. Super Star 超級明星

16. Nice Work 幹得好

17. Looking Good 看上去不錯

18. You’re On Top Of It 你是數一數二的

19. Beautiful 美極了

20. Now You’re Flying 現在你起飛了(進步了)

21. You’re Catching On 你是有吸引力的

22. Now You’ve Got It 現在你做到了

23. You’re Incredible 你簡直難以置信

24. You Can Do It 你能做到

25. How Did You Do That? 你怎樣完成的?

26. Bravo 好啊!妙!

27. You’re Fantastic 你真太妙了

28. You’re Improving 你在進步

29. Hurray For You 為你喊萬歲

30. You’re On Target 你達到目標了

31. You’re On Your Way 你在前進中

32. How Nice 多好啊

33. Good Job 乾的出色

34. That’s Incredible 簡直難以置信

35. Hot Dog 熱狗

36. Let’s Try Again 再試試

37. Dynamite 非同凡響

38. You’re Beautiful 你太美了

39. You’re Unique 你太不尋常了

40. Nothing Can Stop You Now 現在你已所向無敵了

41. Good For You 為你好

42. I Like You 我喜歡你

43. You’re A Winner 你是贏家

44. I Respect You 我尊敬你

45. You’ll Make It 你一定會成功的

46. Remarkable Job 出色的工作

47. Beautiful Work 完美的工作

48. Spectacular 壯觀的,引人入勝的

49. I Like The Way You Handled That 我欣賞你的做法

50. You’re Precious 你是寶貴的

51. Great Discovery 偉大的發現

52. You’ve Discovered The Secret 你已經發現了秘密

53. You’re Making Progress 你正在進步

54. You Figured It Out 你搞懂了

55. Fantastic Job 乾的太好了

56. Hip, Hip Hurray 萬歲!(喝彩聲)

57. Bingo 你成功了

58. I Believe You’ll Handle It 我確信你能行

59. Magnificent 傑出的

60. Marvelous 非凡的

61. Terrific 太妙了

62. You Really Tried 你確實盡力了

63. Thanks For Helping 感謝你的幫助

64. Super Job 出色完成任務

65. Creative Job 創造性的完成任務

66. Super Work 超級完成任務

67. You’re Sensational 你真令人感動

68. I Like Your Work 我欣賞你的工作

69. I Can See Progress 我已經看到了進步

70. Exceptional Performance 非同一般的表現

71. You’re A Real Trooper 你真實一個好騎手

72. You Are Responsible 你是負責任的

73. You Are Exciting 你真令人激動

74. You Learned It Right 你做對了

75. Look How Far You’ve Come 瞧,你已經有多領先了

76. What An Imagination 多麼豐富的想象力!

77. What A Good Listener 多麼專注的聽眾啊!

78. You Are Fun 你真有趣

79. You’re Growing Up 你長大了



迷人的; 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的

She has an attractive figure.



She has a lovely serene face.



Have I grown up pretty?



She is a charming young lady.



Mandy Moore has declared not to wear sexy clothes .



Who "s your hot friend ? Hook me up!



I hope my young friend will like such a comely sample of his own blood.



That Cathy is pretty cute .



She had a feminine gift for delicate flattery .



When he saw her at the party , he knew that he found dreamboat .



The design of this fashion designer is in simple and elegant style .



She was a statuesque redheaded eyeful. 她是一個輪廓清晰的紅髮美人兒。


What a foxy dame she is!




He is a tasteful artist.



1. You look great today。(你今天看上去很棒。)

2. You did a good job. (你幹得非常好。)

3. We’re so proud of you。(我們十分為你驕傲。)

4. I’m very pleased with your work。(我對你的工作非常滿意。)

5. This is really a nice place。(這真是個好地方!)

6. You’re looking sharp! (你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)

7. You always know the right thing to say. = 8. You’re very eloquent。(你總是說話得體。)

9. Nice going! = you did a good job。(幹得好!)

10. The food is delicious。(好吃!)

11. Everything tastes great。(每樣東西都很美味!)

12. Your son/daughter is so cute。(你的孩子很可愛。)

13. What an adorable baby! (多麼可愛的孩子。)

14. I admire your work. = 15。

15. I respect your work。(我對你的工作表示敬意。)

16. You’ve got a great personality。(你的個性很好。)

17. You have a good sense of humor。(你真幽默。)

18. Your Chinese is really surprising。(你的中文令人驚訝。)

19. Your English is incredible。(我真不敢相信你的英語。)

51Talk無憂英語 “平價英語培訓”領跑者

20. You have a very successful business。(你的事業很成功。) 21. You’re very professional。(你非常專業。) 22. Your company is very impressive。(你的公司給我留下深刻印象。) 23. You’re so smart。(你非常聰明。) 24. I envy you very much。(我非常羨慕你。) 25. Your wife is very charming。(你的妻子很有魅力!) 26. You two make a lovely couple。(你們真是天生的一對!) 27. You’re really talented。(你很有天賦。) 28. You look nice in that color。(你穿那種顏色很好看。) 29. You have a good taste。(你很有品位。)

30. You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding. =you look like a movie star。(你看上去帥呆了。)


1.you look great today.你今天看上去很棒。

2.you did a goodjob.你幹得非常好。

3.we"re so proud of you.我們十分為你驕傲.讚美人的英文句子。

4.i"m very pleased with your work.我對你的工作非常滿意.

5.this is really a nice place.這真是個好地方!

6.you"re looking sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮.

7.you always know the right thing to say.說的很不錯哦

8.you"r every eloquent.你總是說話得體。

9.nice going!=you did a good job.幹得好

10.the food is delicious.好吃!

11.every thing tastes great.每樣東西都很美味!

12.your son/daughter is so cute.你的孩子很可愛。

13.what an adorable baby!多麼可愛的孩子.

14.I admire your work.工作很棒

15.I respect your work.我對你的工作表示敬意。

16.you"ve got a great personality.你的個性很好。

17.you have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。

18.your chinese is really surprising.你的中文令人驚訝。

19.your English is incredible.我真不敢相信你的英語這麼好啊

20.you have a very successful business.你的事業很成功。

21.you"re very professional.你非常專業。

22.your company is very impressive.你的公司給我留下深刻印象。

23.you"re so smart.你非常聰明。

24.I envy you very much.我非常羨慕你。

25.your wife is very charming.你的妻子很有魅力!

26.you two make a lovely couple.你們真是天生的一對!

27.you"re really talented.你很有天賦。

28.you look nice in that color.你穿那種顏色很好看。

29.you have a good taste.你很有品位。

30.you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.你看上去帥呆了。

2. You did a good job. (你幹得非常好。)

3. We’re so proud of you.(我們十分為你驕傲。)

4. I’m very pleased with your work.(我對你的工作非常滿意。)

5. This is really a nice place.(這真是個好地方!)

6. You’re looking sharp! (你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)

7. You always know the right thing to say. (你總是說話得體。)

8. You’re very eloquent. (你總是說話得體。)

9. Nice going! = you did a good job.(幹得好!)

10. The food is delicious.(好吃!)

11. Everything tastes great.(每樣東西都很美味!)

12. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可愛。)

13. What an adorable baby! (多麼可愛的孩子。)

14. I admire your work.

15. I respect your work.(我對你的工作表示敬意。)

16. You’ve got a great personality.(你的個性很好。)

17. You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)

18. Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人驚訝。)

19. Your English is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英語。)

20. You have a very successful business.(你的事業很成功。)

21. You’re very professional.(你非常專業。)

22. Your company is very impressive.(你的公司給我留下深刻印象。)

23. You’re so smart.(你非常聰明。)

24. I envy you very much.(我非常羨慕你。)

25. Your friend is very charming.(你的朋友很有魅力!)

26. You two make a lovely couple.(你們真是天生的一對!)

27. You’re really talented.(你很有天賦。)

28. You look nice in that color.(你穿那種顏色很好看。)

29. You have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

30. You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding. =you look like a movie star.(你看上去帥呆了。)












1、You always know the right thing to say.(你總是說話得體!)

2、This is really a nice place.(這真是個好地方!)

3、You’re really talented.(你很有天賦。)

4、You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帥呆了。)

5、You have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

6、You’ve got a great personality.(你的個性很好。)

7、You’re so smart.(你非常聰明。)

8、Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人驚訝。)

9、Everything tastes great.(每樣東西都很美味!)

10、We’re so proud of you.(我們十分為你驕傲。)

11、You’re very professional.(你非常專業。)

12、You have a very successful business.(你的事業很成功。)

13、You’re looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)

14、The food is delicious.(好吃!)

15、I admire your work.(我對你的工作表示敬意。)

16、You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)

17、You look nice in that color.(你穿那種顏色很好看。)

18、Nice going! = you did a good job.(幹得好!)

19、You two make a lovely couple.(你們真是天生的一對!)

20、You did a good job.(你幹得非常好。)

21、Your English is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英語。)

22、I envy you very much.(我非常羨慕你。)

23、Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可愛。)

24、I’m very pleased with your work.(我對你的工作非常滿意。)

25、Your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

26、You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)

27、Your company is very impressive.(你的公司給我留下深刻印象。)

28、What an adorable baby!(多麼可愛的孩子。)
